Kanojo de Ippai Chapter 19

Long time no see! Do you wanna read the latest chapter of Kanojo de Ippai? Grab it here!

I’d been hoping to just woodshed it and work on the whole volume beforehand so I could put the whole thing out at once. I got partway through and then a whole bunch of stuff happened that prevented me from even looking at this for several months. I’m just now dusting it off and looking at what I worked on.

As before in the other times I thought about doing a full-volume release, I realized that it might mean waiting a year or more between them, so I think I’ll put things out chapter-by-chapter like usual.

I’ve got a few more built up right now but there are a couple winter holiday-themed chapters coming up, so I might save those to release when they’re most seasonally appropriate.

This is the last volume, so the finish line isn’t too far off! Thanks for coming with me so far, and I hope you’ll be there for the rest of the journey!

8 thoughts on “Kanojo de Ippai Chapter 19

  1. Thank you for following through with the rest of the series. I was a big Johji Manabe fan in the 90s and it is nice to be able to read his newer works thanks to you. I understand that a lot of time life gets in the way of certain things so I hope you understand that some of really appreciate the work you are doing.

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