Kanojo de Ippai Chapter 27 – End!

It’s here at last! Get Chapter 27, the final chapter of Kanojo de Ippai, here, or download all of Volume 3!

Can you believe it’s been three years since we started on this long journey? You never think it’s going to take as long to finish something until you actually work on it. Sorry it’s taken so long!

As I say in the notes, this was a series I was very fond of. It was a fun world to live in! I’ve read and enjoyed quite a few of Manabe Joji’s works, but there’s something about the free-wheeling and comic nature of this one that made it my favorite.

In the course of releasing this over the last few years, my living situation has changed a lot and free time has been harder to come by. I’m going to post an update in a few days about what the future looks like, but if I start another series, it likely won’t be for quite a while, if ever. I wish I could create a couple more hours in the day!

Wherever you are in time in space, thanks so much for reading Kanojo de Ippai! I hope you had as much fun with it as I did!

14 thoughts on “Kanojo de Ippai Chapter 27 – End!

  1. This is just a great day. Now, at last, i can read the whole series in one shot. Many thanx Ochimusha for this excellent release. Hope you;ll find time for another great releases.

  2. Thank you so much! It was a very fun ride. Guess I have to wait to somebody else to pick Motori though. Anyway, good luck with your future endeavours and again thank you for your hard work.

  3. i bet that chapter will be released at least in august, or later. i was wrong – and i’m very happy about it ^_^
    thanks for your hard work, Ochimusha-san.

  4. Thanks for this chapter and the volume batch, and also for sticking with the project these three years!

  5. Thank you for all your hard work translating the series. It turned out to be way better then I would have ever expected when I first came across it.

  6. Many thanks for your dedication to the cause, Ochi. Hope you keep on going with other Manabe series – if not, might I recommend Saigado or Yui Toshiki…? :p

  7. Thank you so much for this, i started with vol 1 late in the evening and finished in the morning. The story and dialogue was really entertaining, and your notes were informative, please keep it up! Cheers!

  8. Hey bud, just wanted to come on and say thank you so much for translating this. Few things would cheer me up as finding a new chapter of this at the end of the day. Shame to see it end, but happy to have some closure on it. All the best if you pick up another series 🙂

  9. Wherever will I get my next Manabe Joji fix?!?!?!?!?!?!

    Thank you very much for your excellent work. Your translation has been a great joy to read and improved my past two years with much laughter.

  10. Thanks a lot!! It would be nice if you pick up another series of Manabe, like Kuikomi wo Naoshiteru Hima wa Nai! , Dokusai Club or Hibi Kore Koujitsu!!

    Manabe is a great manganaka , it’s a pity, so few series are translated 😦

  11. Thanks for doing all of this. It’s been a really fun series to follow–IMO, erotica is always better when there’s some good characterisation and humour to go with it, and I was surprised at how I found myself genuinely interested in the characters and how things would turn out for them. Fingers crossed that you’ll find time for something else in the future (in the remote event that you’re ever looking for suggestions, Hibi Kore Koujitsu looks interesting), but if not, you’ve already done some great work. 🙂

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