
Hey there. I’m Ochimusha. I translate manga.

I’ve been doing Japanese-to-English translations for a number of years now. I’ve worked with several groups in the past but I decided that I wanted to work on a few projects by myself. As you can tell, my tastes run towards the adult side of the manga spectrum, but I always try and work on things with a good plot.

I work full time in addition to translating, so I try and fit things in when I can. I hope the release quality makes up for the slow pace. My current workload is keeping me more than busy enough, so while you’re welcome to suggest something, please be aware that it may be years before I have the time to even consider it.

Feel free to say hello and enjoy the manga.

27 thoughts on “About

  1. My hands are pretty much full at the moment, and I have rather weird and vaguely-defined tastes, but you can leave a suggestion if you like. Odds are very good that I won’t be able to take it up, though.

  2. Hey! i wanted to ask if you could translate more of manabe jouji maybe “Kuikomi wo Nao Shiteru Hima wa Nai!”, “Hibi Kore Yoshiharu” or the works of MURAO Mio? i know you can’t cover all of this but i wanted to ask if you might consider any of those in a far future?

    • Kuikomi was licensed in English, I believe, so I’d point people towards that version of it if they wanted to read it. Hibi Kore Koujitsu is certainly unique, and I find the heroine really alluring (the combination of general elegance and long, glossy black hair is lovely) but it’s really thick with minutiae regarding Japanese tea ceremonies. Researching and explaining all that stuff would be quite a lot of work. If I ever do it, it would have to wait until after I complete Kanojo de Ippai.

      Murao Mio looks kind of interesting. I think I’ve seen S to M in used manga stores before.

      I should probably revise the About page at some point. Right now, these 2 active series are keeping me more than busy enough, so I couldn’t pick up anything else without slowing everything to a bimonthly pace or worse.

  3. Well thank you for the answer! To be honest i would be happy about anything else of manabe jouji since i think he has one of the best and most unique styles! and yeah i understand that this consumes a lot of time and i just wanted to point out some possible projects for the far future!

    And yeah i think Murao Mio would be insane too!

    Thank you for the work you do! Great Job!

  4. Thanks for the translations. Hope that you will start motori again in the future, I think I actually like that series better

  5. Hey bud, managed to get my grubby little hands on Konojo de ippai and digg’n it!

    Just finished chapter 9 and killing myself with laughter. I find it has an awesome combination of funny, story and adult-nomnom that manages to not only please the eyes, but a couple of other features to.

    I had to get on the net and send a shoutout to the translator:

    Thank you from South Africa and keep up the awesome efforts!

  6. Hey there, wanted to say I’ve been really enjoying your translation work! They’re an absolute joy to read – I have a feeling they’re not direct translations, but the interpretive adjustments you’ve made really make them more accessible and enjoyable to English language readers, which I really appreciate. The between-chapter notes are also always a welcome addition – not everyone does those, and it really makes it stand out that you do, and adds that informative touch that makes what’s being read all the more relateable.
    Long story short, thanks for all the hard work, great job, and I’m looking forward to following your projects in the future!

  7. Joji Manabe is my favorite artist in the adult manga genre. I love the style of his drawings, and the proportions of the women he draws, as he always finds the perfect balance between realistic proportions and unrealistic. I’m glad you are taking the time out of your schedule to translate and share his work with the world. I can’t wait till more of his work is translated.

    The next one I would like to read is Dokusai Club, and I was curious if there is any possibility at all of you taking that project on in the future, as I noticed in a reply to previous request for more of his work, that you said your tastes were weird and vaguely defined.

    Can you let me know if you decide not to pursue a project concerning Dokusai Club? Because if you don’t I have a question about what’s being said in a specific page of that manga.

    • Sorry it’s been so long!

      To be honest, I don’t think I’ll ever do Dokusai Club. The sex-to-storyline balance is a little too heavy on the the former for me. Not that there’s anything wrong with that but it makes the translation more of a slog for me. I could peep at a page or two and try and give you the gist of it if you want.

  8. Hello Ochimusha, I been a follower of your work when it was release day 1 when you did Rose x Marie. When i heard the news you couldnt translate the last vol of Rose x Marie i despair because it another project that will never see the light of day. As the time went on, i discover Amazon JP and found the FINAL & Last copy of Rose x Marie vol 3 and got it ship to me >..<, just want to know if it ok with you, have a nice day

    • That’s a bit of a conundrum! Right now I’m trying like heck to get the third volume of Kanojo de Ippai finished. I’ve got a lot of stuff coming up this fall (moving, amongst other things) so it might be a few more months before I can start releasing chapters again. On the other hand, Rose x Marie is an order of magnitude simpler than my other projects because the bubbles are pretty large and there isn’t very much redrawing.

      I can’t guarantee that I’d work on it, since I don’t know what my time is going to be like after this fall. But if it’s a clean scan, it shouldn’t be too hard for me or someone else to do it.

  9. Ochimusha – greetings. I’ve never heard of the Kanojo de Ippai manga artist and I must say he’s doing some amazing work. I’ve read some of the raws before, and it is not something I admit lightly, but your Japanese is on a way higher level than me and I live with Japanese xD. Kudos to you sir / lady for gracing my sorry eyes with a colorful contextual understanding of the kanji. (P.S. I’m a bit too shy to read the manga with the natives, so I opted the DIY approach.) If there’s something I can help you with, in any way, please drop a line or just a hello :).
    Keep up the hard work – you’re doing some great progress.

  10. Oooohhh, Meister! I’m on my Knees………………
    The story by Manabe is just great, and I like to thank You, Ochimusha San, for making it available for us ignorants, who cannot read japanese.
    Thanks a lot, keep up teh good work.
    Yours sincerely
    Axel Unnuetzer

  11. Hey Ochimusha, thanks for translating Kanojo de Ippai and making it available to those of us who can’t read Japanese! Despite being an H manga, I really enjoyed reading it and following the plot and not just the H scenes.
    Thanks for your hard work!
    I can’t wait for chapter 27!

  12. Hey Ochimusha, I hope you’re holding up okay.
    I wanted to say thanks for translating Kanojo de Ippai, it was an enjoyable read even for the genre.
    I’ll check the other projects you worked on.

    Many thanks again, I wish you the best!

  13. Just finished reading Kanojo de Ippai, and I wanted to congratulate with you for the awesome job you did (in the hope you still read this). It was a treasure trove of quotes and giggles, and it was the first smut I enjoyed for the dialogues. Go figure.

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