Pandemic update

Hi everybody! It’s been a couple years, so I know that I’m probably pretty far off of anyone’s radar, but I thought I should check in.

First of all, thanks for all the kind comments that everyone has left, even well after I’ve done any releases. It always made me happy to read them.

I hope everyone’s been doing as well as you can in the pandemic. Sometimes I feel like the worst is over and it’s time to start returning to normal, and sometimes I feel like we’ve only seen the first chapter and things are going to get even worse. Like a lot of people, my day job has suffered and I’m finding that I’m doing more work for less money.

I enjoy translating more than my day job, but the experience I’ve had trying to do translation through agencies or publishers is that middlemen and distributors exist to wring as much money as they can out of what the ideal relationship would be from artist to translator to reader.

I’m thinking that my job, like a lot of others, might not be around much longer. I don’t think my company or industry would put my health and survival before its.

Over the years, I’ve wondered if there would have been any way that I could have done this as a side job by asking for donations. I could have set up something like a Paypal account, but as you can see, I prefer to remain pretty anonymous. I’d looked at Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with interest, but I got the impression that if you weren’t keeping up with the state of the art then it was pretty easy to get swindled in one way or another.

I haven’t kept up with scanlation for quite a long time now, so I wanted to ask what groups do nowadays. Is there an effective, anonymous way to give and receive donations?

I’ve thought that if I do lose my job or have to quit it to preserve my own health, this translation project could be something I could try to pay the bills with. I’d hope that my record speaks for itself – lots of you kind folks seemed to think that Kanojo de Ippai’s translation was well done.

I’ll post again if it looks like it’s feasible to start up once more. Until then, please do your best to stay safe!

4 thoughts on “Pandemic update

  1. I’d be more than happy to support you via PayPal or through Patreon. Not sure what other venues you can use but I think you should definitely be compensated For the excellent job you have done.

  2. Hey guy!

    No, we have not forgotten about you nor your skills.

    Firstly, thank you for your contributions as a whole. I really enjoyed Kanojo de Ippai’s and hope that you continue with others, your translation are top notch, for sure!

    Agencies are always a bitch to work with, it doesn’t matter which industry you’re in. Rotten luck, mate.

    Secondly; be it Paypal or Patreon, support will be given. I agree 100% with the first comment, you should definitely be compensated for an excellent job.

  3. Hi there! I am a fan of your work; Rose X Marie!
    Are you still stuck on Rose X Marie I want to see more monster girl ryona I especially liked Mermaid Ryona

  4. Hi Ochimusha! I read a decent amount of manga on MangaDex, which is how I found your scanlations. You must realize that even compared to some of the bigger mangas on there, your work far exceeds in quality. When I read your stuff, it feels like reading an actual book, not simply a low-quality, converted translation of one. Many of the scanlations on there feel like simple translations, like when someone uses Google Translate. Yours feel like you actually put time and effort into the story and writing and art. (I also really enjoy your letters to the reader at the end with factoids and other fun bits.) I’m a writer too, or at least in my imagination I am… (I’m also bilingual.) I intrinsically understand the need for support as a writer and I am quite familiar with the apprehension of jumping into a new, risky endeavor. I believe it will pay off for you though and I earnestly hope it does. There are many, many ways now to be paid for services online and to keep your anonymity. In my opinion, you shouldn’t let that stop you.

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